Articles universitaires

Transformative Works and Culture


Selon ce qu'on peut lire sur leur site principal, l'Organisation pour la transformatrices Works (OTW) est une organisation à but non lucratif créée par des fans pour servir les intérêts des fans. Ils ont pour objectif de préserver les intérêts des fans fournissant l'accès à la culture des fans et à toutes les formes de leurs créations tout en étant un témoin de leur histoire. Ils estiment en effet que travaux des fans sont transformatifs et que les créations transformatives sont légitimes.

L'OTW est le représentant d'une pratique de création de fans transformative historiquement ancrée dans une culture essentiellement féminine. L'OTW permettra de préserver l'enregistrement de cette histoire tout en encourageant de nouvelles expressions et non conventionnelles de l'identité culturelle au sein du fandom.

Leur "journal" contient des textes qui sont des analyses de fan et des interwiew. Vous trouverez-ci dessous la liste de leurs articles et un bref résumé du contenu. Tous les textes sont accessible au public.

Merci à Verowyn pour son travail d'archiviste

Volume 1 – 2008

L’affrontement Obama/Clinton vu comme une guerre entre fans
Kosnik, Abigail : Participatory democracy and Hillary Clinton's marginalized fandom
L’analyse du discours sur les genres dans la série Roswell et les réponses de fans
Stein, Louisa Ellen : "Emotions-Only" versus "Special People": Genre in fan discourse
le BDSM dans la fanfiction slash remet en cause la vision de la domination sexuelle
Kustritz, Anne, Painful pleasures: Sacrifice, consent, and the resignification of BDSM symbolism in The Story of O and The Story of Obi
Resolution du conflit entre désir et contrôle en mettant la technologie au service du désir : exemple des premières fan-vidéos Star Trek
Coppa, Francesca : Women, Star Trek, and the early development of fannish viding
Subtext de la série Supernatural pouvant justifier la lecture incestueuse des fans
Tosenberger, Catherine : "The epic love story of Sam and Dean": Supernatural, queer readings, and the romance of incestuous fan fiction
La fanfiction comparée à la production de doubles (clones, cyborgs, etc.) dans Ghost in the Shell, Neon Genesis Evangelion, et Serial Experiments: Lain
Ashby, Madeline : Ownership, authority, and the body: Does antifanfic sentiment reflect posthuman anxiety?
Les histoires d’horreur: un genre qui se prête à la transformation, exemple de Stephen King utilisé dans un cours de creative writing
Arnzen, Michael A. : The unlearning: Horror and transformative theory
Les réseaux sociaux de fan de soap operas avant internet
Ford, Sam : Soap operas and the history of fan discussion
Changement du fandom en passant des mailings lists à LJ. Davantage un témoignage personnel, pas de bibliographie. – l’auteure est la créatrice du site fanfic symposium
Busker, Rebecca Lucy : On symposia: LiveJournal and the shape of fannish discourse
Communication entre auteurs/lecteurs amateurs et pros sur internet
Bode, Dana L. : And now, a word from the amateurs
Généralisation des recherches sur internet et media convergence
Cupitt, Cathy : Nothing but Net: When cultures collide

Vol. 2 - 2009

Carlson, Rebecca : Games as transformative works (editorial Vol. 2)
Analyse ethnographique sur le jeu video et les simulateurs utilsés dans l’armée
Allen, Robertson : The Army rolls through Indianapolis: Fieldwork at the Virtual Army Experience
La presse et les jeux videos
Carlson, Rebecca : Too Human versus the enthusiast press: Video game journalists as mediators of commodity value
Les tensions entre travail et jeu modèlent le monde des développeurs de jeux vidéo
O'Donnell, Casey : The everyday lives of video game developers: Experimentally understanding underlying systems/structures
Analyse ethnographique de la façon d’utiliser les compétences sociales dans le jeu
Chen, Mark : Social dimensions of expertise in World of Warcraft players
Créer des liens sociaux et affirmer sa créativité par le jeu de rôle
Underwood, Michael Robert : The friends that game together: A folkloric expansion of textual poaching to genre farming for socialization in tabletop role-playing games
Les fans se réapproprient les jeux d’aventure des années 90
Salter, Anastasia Marie : "Once more a kingly quest": Fan games and the classic adventure genre
Les musiques de jeux vidéo
Driscoll, Kevin et Diaz, Joshua : Endless loop: A brief history of chiptunes
Brooker , Will : Maps of many worlds: Remembering computer game fandom in the 1980s
Thuc Phi, Thien-bao, Game over : Asian Americans and video game representation
Soderman , Braxton, Intrinsic motivation : "flOw," video games, and participatory culture
Bryant, Rebecca : "Dungeons & Dragons": The gamers are revolting!
Odom , Amanda : An examination of living through enjoyment: Live-action role-play
Bisz , Joe : The birth of a community, the death of the win: Player production of the "Middle-earth Collectible Card Game"
Beck, Julia et Herrling, Frauke : Playing Sue
Geoffrey Long : Interview with Paul Marino
Clara Fernández-Vara : Interview with Doris C. Rusch
TWC Editor : Interview with Tony O’Driscoll
TWC Editor : Diane E. Levin: Child's play as transformative work
Kerr, John Finlay : "Second person: Role-playing and story in games and playable media," edited by Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Serafin-Persson, Gina : "Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New perspectives on gender and gaming," edited by Yasmin B. Kafai et al.

Volume 3 - 2009

Le patchwork: un art créatif dans une économie de don, qui se soustrait aux copyrights
Halbert, Debora J : The labor of creativity: Women's work, quilting, and the uncommodified life
Analyse la façon dont les fans et les chercheurs catégorisent ou non le personnage d’Olivia Benson dans New York Unité Spéciale comme étant lesbienne
Levin Russo, Julie : Sex detectives: Law & Order: SVU's fans, critics, and characters investigate lesbian desire
Différents types de créativité pour et par les jeux vidéo
Wirman, Hanna : On productivity and game fandom
La structure participative des wikis pousse les fans à s’impliquer: l’exemple de Lost
Mittell, Jason : Sites of participation: Wiki fandom and the case of Lostpedia
Subcultures musicales : le filk (musique des fans de SF/Fantasy) et le wizard rock
Tatum, Melissa L. :Identity and authenticity in the filk community
Analyse du débat entre les opposants et les défenseurs des soumissions modérées pour éviter les textes de qualité moindre sur le site de publication principal du fandom Doctor Who
Hadas, Leora : The Web planet: How the changing Internet divided Doctor Who fan fiction writers
Joyrich, Lynne : The magic of television: Thinking through magical realism in recent TV
Santo, Avi : The future of academic writing?
Scott, Suzanne : Repackaging fan culture: The regifting economy of ancillary content models
Shilling, Dana : Snogs of innocence, snogs of experience
Collins Smith, Anne : Playing [with] multiple roles: Readers, authors, and characters in "Who Is Blaise Zabini?"
Gunnels, Jen : "A Jedi like my father before me": Social identity and the New York Comic Con
Reid, Robin Anne : “The Hunt for Gollum”: Tracking issues of fandom cultures
TWC Editor : Pattern recognition: A dialogue on racism in fan communities
Bradford Tempest , K. : Interview with Verb Noire
zvi LikesTV : Interview with Mark Smith and Denise Paolucci
Dollard, Emma : Interview with Chris Bouchard
Barone, Adriano : "Camgirls: Celebrity and community in the age of social networks," by Theresa M. Senft
Alfieroni, Alessia : "Introduction to Japanese horror film," by Colette Balmain
Jacobsen, Craig B. : "Pride and prejudice and zombies: The classic Regency romance—Now with ultraviolent zombie mayhem!," by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith

Vol 4 (2010)

Tosenberger, Catherine : Love! Valor! "Supernatural"!
Tosenberger, Catherine : "Kinda like the folklore of its day": "Supernatural," fairy tales, and ostension
Schmidd, Lisa : Monstrous melodrama: Expanding the scope of melodramatic identification to interpret negative fan responses to "Supernatural"
Bruce, Melissa N. : The Impala as negotiator of melodrama and masculinity in "Supernatural"
Åström , Berit : "Let's get those Winchesters pregnant": Male pregnancy in "Supernatural" fan fiction
Petersen, Line Nybro : Renegotiating religious imaginations through transformations of "banal religion" in "Supernatural"
Felschow, Laura E. : "Hey, check it out, there's actually fans": (Dis)empowerment and (mis)representation of cult fandom in "Supernatural"
Flegel, Monica & Roth, Jenny : Annihilating love and heterosexuality without women: Romance, generic difference, and queer politics in "Supernatural" fan fiction
Sivarajan, Deepa : Tlon, fandom, and source texts: The effect of fan works on the narrative of "Supernatural"
Stein, Louisa Ellen : "What you don't know": "Supernatural" fan vids and millennial theology
Noone, Kristin : What are little ghouls made of? The "Supernatural" family, fandom, and the problem of Adam
Chan, Suzette : "Supernatural" bodies: Writing subjugation and resistance onto Sam and Dean Winchester
Zarin, Babak : Infernal redemption
Gray, Melissa : From canon to fanon and back again: The epic journey of "Supernatural" and its fans
Freund, Katharina : "I'm glad we got burned, think of all the things we learned": Fandom conflict and context in Counteragent's "Still Alive"
Wilkinson, Jules : A box of mirrors, a unicorn, and a pony
Tosenberger, Catherine : Interview with Keith R. A. DeCandido
Kaplan, Deborah : Interview with the Super-wiki admin team
TWC Editor : Interview with Wincon organizer Ethrosdemon
Hornick, Alysa : "In the hunt: Unauthorized essays on 'Supernatural,'" edited by
Schules, Douglas : "Supernatural role playing game," by J. Chambers
Fradley, Martin Fradley : "Scare tactics: Supernatural fiction by American women," by Andrew Jeffrey Weinstock
Gil-Curie,lGermán : "Contemporary Gothic," by Catherine Spooner
Levitt, Linda Levitt : "Haunting experiences: Ghosts in contemporary folklore," by Diane E. Goldstein et al.
Moreman, Christopher M. : "Pretend we're dead," by Annalee Newitz

Vol 5 (2010)

TWC Editor : Exploring the body
Harrington, C. Lee & Bielby, Denise D. : Autobiographical reasoning in long-term fandom
Ingram-Waters, Mary : When normal and deviant identities collide: Methodological considerations of the pregnant acafan
Musiani, Francesca : "May the journey continue": "Earth 2" fan fiction, or Filling in gaps to revive a canceled series
Koulikov, Mikhail : Fighting the fan sub war: Conflicts between media rights holders and unauthorized creator/distributor networks
Walliss, John : Fan filmmaking and copyright in a global world: "Warhammer 40,000" fan films and the case of "Damnatus"
Aubrey, Jennifer Stevens & Behm-Morawitz, Elizabeth & Click, Melissa A. : The romanticization of abstinence: Fan response to sexual restraint in the Twilight series
- sasha_feather : From the edges to the center: Disability, "Battlestar Galactica," and fan fiction
Kociemba, David : "This isn't something I can fake": Reactions to "Glee"'s representations of disability
Fathallah, Judith May : Becky is my hero: The power of laughter and disruption in "Supernatural"
Watson, Jeff : Fandom squared: Web 2.0 and fannish production
Coppa, Francesca : Interview with Elisa Kreisinger
TWC Editor : Interview with Jo Graham, Melissa Scott, and Martha Wells
Kuntsman, Adi : "Coming of age in 'Second Life': An anthropologist explores the virtually human," by Tom Boellstorff
Bernhagen, Lindsay : "Masculinity and popular television," by Rebecca Feasey
Leavitt , Alex : Inside Scanlation

Vol 6 (2011)

TWC Editor : History and fandom
Reagin,Nancy & Rubenstein, Anne : "I'm Buffy, and you're history": Putting fan studies into history
Bates, Courtney A. : The fan letter correspondence of Willa Cather: Challenging the divide between professional and common reader
Pope,Stacey & Williams, John : "White shoes to a football match!": Female experiences of football's golden age in England
Sneeringer, Julia : John Lennon, autograph hound: The fan-musician community in Hamburg's early rock-and-roll scene, 1960–65
Stead, Lisa Rose : "So oft to the movies they've been": British fan writing and female audiences in the silent cinema
Soderstrom, Mark : Bowlers, ballads, bells, and blasters: Living history and fandom
Coker, Catherine : The Contraband Incident: The strange case of Marion Zimmer Bradley
Yung Lee, Regina : Textual evidence of fandom activities: The fanzine holdings at UC Riverside's Eaton Collection
- Versaphile : Silence in the library: Archives and the preservation of fannish history
Lothian, Alexis : An archive of one's own: Subcultural creativity and the politics of conservation
Tuszynski, Stephanie : Excerpt from "IRL (In Real Life): The Bronze Documentary Project"
Walker, Cynthia W. : A conversation with Paula Smith (la traduction en français)
Gunnelsn, Jen : Interview with Robert DeSimone
Coppa, Francesca : Interview with Sandy and Rache ("The Clucking Belles")
Bewley , Sarah Elizabeth : Interview with Rusty Hevelin
Noppe, Nele : "Boys' love manga: Essays on the sexual ambiguity and cross-cultural fandom of the genre," edited by Antonia Levi, Mark McHarry, and Dru Pagliassotti
Long, Geoffrey : "A comics studies reader," edited by Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester

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